SPA Development

Starting a new web app development project could be challenging without a solid initial blueprint, moreover a large selection of frameworks and tooling available does not make the job easier. Based on one of my recent project experience here is a nice collection of tools and technologies that fit well together and make an agile […]

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Agile vs. Individualism

After exploring some philosophic and economic aspects of collectivism vs. individualism based on Koch’s brothers political agenda and Frederick Hayek’s writing (The Road To Serfdom), I have come to a surprising conclusion about Agile Software Methodologies. It seems as if it emphasizes power of the team ( i.e. collectivism) and downplays an individual contribution. And […]

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On Software Design

While reviewing some information on software architecture, I recently re-read “Who Needs an Architect” article by Martin Fowler. He was quoting his exchange with Ralph Johnson on architecture, and I think this piece illuminates root cause of most software design problems: One of the differences between building architecture and software architecture is that a lot […]

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